Come On In

Don’t ever let anyone tell you that there is not an open door for you in New York City because they’re always is.Whether it’s a restaurant, clothing store or a bar, the door is always open especially with galleries. Coming upon Highland Park walking past a building full of windows with the door wide open was the Allouche Gallery. What caught my eye was a huge sculpture by Faile standing in the window *it kind of reminded me of Alison in Wonderland with a skateboard* and I thought to myself how could I not going in.

Fantasy Island by FAILE

There were so many cool and thought provoking pieces I couldn’t help but take pictures of almost everything. So if by chance you ever come up on a building with a cool peace of anything in the window is the door open walk on in. I shall continue to welcome this open door policy by  walking into any door that’s open. Hopefully I’ll end up in a celebrities apartment LMAO!!!!

So if you have some free time stop Allouche Gallery their door is open til 7pm!


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